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Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and Drug-Free Workforce Act

Under the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, the College of Lake County is required to disseminate information to students, faculty and staff on its policies relating to drugs and alcohol, including illegal possession, use or distribution of drugs or alcohol, and the internal sanctions and federal and state legal penalties that may result from violations. The College of Lake County is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy academic and work environment in compliance with existing state and federal law. The College complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act that prohibits the use, sale, distribution, manufacture and/or possession of drugs including controlled substances. Even though the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (effective January 1, 2020) allows for persons over the age of 21 to use cannabis, no person shall use or possess any cannabis product, recreational or medicinal, while on any college property or while participating in any college sponsored on-campus or off-campus programs, activities or events.

The dissemination requirement is intended to serve as a reminder of the standards of conduct relating to drugs and alcohol, the health risks and penalties involved, and the availability of support for experiencing drug or alcohol problems.

Read the Policy Summary (PDF)

Questions concerning the college's policies, or compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 should be directed to theDean of Student Life.

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