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What Is Anthropology?

Anthropology is the study of human similarities and differences in all times and in all places. It involves the study of biology, culture and society, language, the influence of the environment and even includes the investigation of some non-humans (apes, monkeys and hominins) to enrich our evolutionary understanding.


About the Program

Anthropology is a transfer program housed in the Social Science Division. Transfer programs are for students who plan to continue their education at a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree. Some students take anthropology courses to fulfill the social science requirement for a transfer degree, others take anthropology courses as part of a plan to major in anthropology. Many students also take anthropology courses as electives.

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Career Opportunities

成功的人类学专业学生通常会继续研究生学习。人类学家从事学术、历史保护、国际发展与援助、法律、医学、博物馆和政府等领域的工作。To learn more about anthropology careers, visit: