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History instructor

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About the Program

历史是社会科学部的一个转学项目。转学项目是为那些计划在四年制学院或大学继续学习以获得学士学位的学生准备的。一些学生选修历史课程是为了满足转学位的社会科学要求;others take history courses as part of a plan to major in history.

History teaches us about why the world has come to be the way it is. As a discipline, history asks questions about how societies interacted, how they were governed, and what they believed. Historians use tools like primary sources (something written by an eyewitness to an event), secondary sources (accounts written by others) and oral histories. They compare and contrast different accounts and look for evidence to determine what occurred. These topics are covered in CLC’s courses and degree program.

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Read为什么选择历史专业?by Psychology Today.