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Open Pathway

Current Action Projects

Action Projects (2019-2020)

  • Student Communication
  • Employee Communication
  • Community Service

Strategic Plan

The strategic plan will be used to set CLC's priorities and allocate resources.Read the plan.

About the Open Pathway

The College of Lake County transitioned into theOpen Pathwayfor accreditation in fall 2018 at the direction of theHigher Learning Commission (HLC). Prior to fall 2018, the college participated in the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) pathway. The HLC phased out the AQIP pathway from all of its accredited institutions between 2018 and 2020 due to a decrease in overall participation.

The Open Pathway, similar to the AQIP Pathway, focuses on quality assurance and institutional improvement. To remain eligible for accreditation under the Open pathway, the college must meet several obligations during its 10-year accreditation cycle. Those requirements compel the college to provide the HLC with periodic assessments and reports and to undertake one Quality Initiative during each accreditation cycle.

Regular Monitoring

The college is required to submit an annual Institutional Update to the Higher Learning Commission, which allows the HLC to monitor the health of the organization and ensure the college complies with federal requirements. In addition to this regular report, the college is required to notify the HLC of any substantial changes or institutional developments as they occur.

Assurance Filing

在认证周期的第4年,学院提交一份保证文件,包括保证论证(叙述)和证据文件,作为HLC保证审查的一部分。The Assurance Review is a desk review (i.e. no visit) conducted by HLC reviewers to ensure the college continues to meet HLC’sCriteria for Accreditation. These Criteria are the indicators of quality of teaching and learning, integrity, financial stability, planning, continuous improvement, and governance that each college or university must meet in order to remain accredited.


Quality Initiative

在第5 - 9年期间,学院必须发展并完成一项与其目标、需求和抱负相关的重大质量倡议。质量计划是机构创新和尝试新事物的一种手段,只要他们能从成功和失败中学习。学院须于九年级向HLC提交一份质素计划报告。质量倡议报告反映了项目的成就和挑战。HLC的同行评议者评估该报告,以获得该机构“真正努力”的证据。Typical topics for the Quality Initiative include assessment of student learning, organizational planning, cultural competency, civic engagement, and student success initiatives.

The Open Pathway Quality Initiative takes the place of the annual improvement projects the college completed under the AQIP Pathway. Despite the transition to the Open Pathway, HLC and the College of Lake County remain committed to continuous quality improvement efforts. As such, the college sees value in continuing to conduct smaller-scale improvement projects on a more frequent basis. As such, the college plans to continue conducting annual improvement projects internally in the spirit of AQIP in addition to the required Quality Initiative.

Comprehensive Evaluation


Reaffirmation of Accreditation

Upon completion of the Evaluation, the reviewers summarize and share their findings with the college and make a recommendation to the HLC’s governing body (i.e. the Institutional Actions Council) regarding the college’s accreditation status. After reviewing the recommendations of the reviewing committee, the HLC’s governing board decides whether the institution will be reaccredited, will be reaccredited with some stipulations, or whether monitoring should be required.

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