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CLC: The Right Choice for Home-Schooled Students

Home-schooled students succeed and thrive at CLC. We accept most home-schooled credentials, and we offer an academic environment that fosters a smooth transition from home-based learning to a college classroom.

Reasons to Choose CLC

  • Our average class size is just 18 students, so you will receive lots of personal attention from your instructors. You will also have access to many support services to encourage your success—counseling and advising, career planning, peer mentors and more.
  • You’ll have many choices in academic programs that will prepare you to complete a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college or university or pursue a career with a future right after graduating.
  • 结交朋友和发展社交生活的机会也很多。我们的学生生活节目包括40多个俱乐部,一个健身中心,校际团队运动,表演艺术机会和许多以教育和娱乐为重点的校园活动。