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CLC Payment Deadlines

Students will not be dropped for non-payment if they have signed up for a payment plan, paid 40% or more of their balance, or owe $500 or less by the due dates listed below.

Students who decide not to attend CLC must drop their classes inmyStudentCenter. Students who enroll but never attend classes will still be financially responsible for tuition and fee payments for those classes.

Fall 2022
If you register during
these periods:
The due date is: The drop date is:
March 7 to Aug. 9, 2022 Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022 Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022
Aug. 10, 2022 or later Three weeks from enrollment No drop scheduled

* Example: If a student enrolls in a class on Aug. 8, 2022, the student must pay in full, or sign up for the payment plan, or pay 40% of balance, or balance is less than or equal to $500 on Aug. 9, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. to avoid classes being dropped on Aug. 10, 2022 at 6 a.m.

Note: If you drop and add the same class, the original due date is retained.
