

Kelly Arce
Instructor, ESL/ALE

Teaching full time at CLC since:2019; previously taught for 12 years as an adjunct at CLC; worked as a translator & taught while living abroad in Spain & Mexico

Subjects taught at CLC:English as a Second Language; intensive academic ESL; Healthcare Bridge; Early Childhood Education Bridge; Adult Language Education

Education:B.A., Brandeis University; M.S. Ed., University of Miami

Most memorable teaching experience:My first experience teaching English to adults was with Mayan students in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. I didn’t have any educational materials or supplies, but I was able to help them learn enough English to get life-sustaining jobs. After that, I knew this was the profession for me.

Mary Lynn Carver
Instructor, ABE/GED Reading

Teaching full time at CLC since:2007; previously taught for 17 year as a CLC adjunct; also was an adjunct at DePaul University’s Master of Applied Professional Science programs; teaches stress management and meditation classes in her spare time.

Education:B.A., University of Akron; master’s from National-Louis University.

Most memorable teaching experience:我的一个学生是一位坐轮椅的85岁老太太。她坐着轮椅去湖岸校区上课,无论下雨、下雪、雨夹雪还是炎热,她都不例外,因为她想提高自己的阅读能力,给孙子孙女朗读。

Tania Giordani
Instructor, ABE/GED Mathematics

Teaching full time at CLC since:2007; previously taught developmental math and college-level math courses at Columbia College and other institutions throughout Chicago. Besides math, she has taught and tutored reading, writing, social science and science; also taught doctoral-level courses in adult education.

Education:B.A., Columbia College; M.Ed., Loyola University Chicago; Ed. D., National-Louis University.

What inspires me about my field:当我意识到我的第一年过去了,而我从未缺课时,我知道我想成为一名大学教师。这是我的第一份工作,即使在我感觉不舒服的时候,我也会因为我想留在那里而出现。我学会了无论我教什么课程或什么水平,我的学生总有东西可以教我。

Ditra Henry
Professor Emeritus, ESL

Specialties:Developing curriculum.

Teaching full time at CLC since:1999.

Subjects taught at CLC:英语作为第二语言,医疗桥梁,GED,模范办公室和密集的学术ESL。

Education:B.A., Chicago State University; M.A., Northeastern Illinois University.

What I do to engage students:I do a variety of activities in my classroom. Since the students are second language learners and have a desire to speak, I try to develop creative or unusual activities to engage them in speaking.

Joseph Hester
Instructor, ESL

Teaching full time at CLC since:2020

Education:B.A., Loyola University Chicago; M.A., Applied Linguistics / TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages), University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

Most Memorable Teaching Experience:In my 2ndsemester teaching at CLC, my students gave a final presentation on a unique aspect of their cultures related to our unit on Diversity. Not only were the presentations excellent but we learned so much about cultures around the world. Topics included the Rainforest Crisis in Brazil, Victory Day in Russia, Ramadan, Las Fallas de Valencia, and many more. It was a wonderful way to end an amazing class!

Malika Jones
Instructor, ABE/ASE Reading and Mathematics, Healthcare Bridge, Criminal Justice ICAPS, and CNA Nursing ICAPs

Teaching full time at CLC since:Since 2020 but taught part-time from 2018-2020 at CLC and in middle school Math and Science since 2006.

Education:B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.A. Education, University of Phoenix; M.S. Biology, Western Governors University.

Most memorable teaching experience:在我的ABE高中中级阅读课上,我遇到了一个学生,他很挣扎,对自己的学习能力没有太多信心,直接告诉我他学不了。我给他上了两个学期的课,最后通过了他的RLA考试。就在他跟我上完最后一节课后。他是如此开心和感激,以至于我相信了他和他的潜力,尽管他不相信。帮助学生实现他们的目标是非常鼓舞人心的,即使他们不知道怎么做。

Alyssa Micek
Instructor, ESL

Teaching full time at CLC since: 2021; previous adjunct at CLC and other institutions in Florida, Returned Peace Corps TEFL

Volunteer:Ecuador 2015-2017

Education:B.A., Loras College; M.A. TESOL, Gonzaga University

Most memorable teaching experience: When I was in the Peace Corps in Ecuador we worked with the US Embassy to host an English Language Summer Camp for young Ecuadorian scholarship recipients across the country. It was such a beautiful experience because we were in the middle of the rainforest and the theme of the camp was "el medio ambiente" the environment. We worked really hard to come up with fun lesson plans and lots of hands on activities for them. We all had such a blast together!