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Online Classes Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 我怎么知道课程会在网上?
  2. 该课程将在您注册时被列为在线课程,并在时间表和我们的网站上注明。如果我们需要将课程转为网上课程,我们会给你发电子邮件。定期查看CLC的电子邮件以了解最新情况。Contacthelpdesk@clcillinois.edufor CLC email assistance.

  3. 完成网上课程需要什么技术?
  4. For all online courses, you will need a reliable Internet connection. In addition to a connection and device (it is recommended to have a laptop, desktop or tablet), some courses may require additional software downloaded or a second device to practice on while viewing live instructions. Please check your CLC email regularly for requirements from CLC staff or your instructor.

  5. What if I don't have Internet at home?
  6. 如果你在校外使用电脑或设备,请使用信号强的安全WiFi连接。There are severaloptionsfor free Internet access during this time.

  7. 在线课程会是什么样的呢?
  8. 有些课程将是异步的,这意味着你将在自己的时间观看视频和完成活动,同时接受可以回答问题的老师的访问。这些课程没有列出具体的时间,并提供24/7。其他课程是同步的。在这些课程中,你和你的同学将同时参与到教师在Zoom这样的平台上发布材料的过程中。这些课程有特定的时间。

  9. Who can help me with technology issues?
  10. CLC is here to help! For technology questions, call (847) 543-4357. Select Option #2 and be prepared to answer identity verification questions such as courses taken in previous terms or student ID number. AChatoption is available 24/7.

  11. What is Zoom?
  12. 教师可以使用视频会议工具Zoom进行课堂讨论。要开始使用Zoom,你需要一台联网的电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑或手机(最好有麦克风),以及一个“会议ID号”或来自你的导师的链接。如果你有麦克风的话,你也可以使用耳塞。这有助于减少背景噪音。

    CLC is committed to the safety and security of online instruction and is constantly adapting to offer the best experience for all users. To help ensure security, a password to enter the Zoom session will be provided to assist with these measures.

    Additional information can be foundhere.

  13. What is important for me to remember for synchronous online classes?
  14. Check your CLC email for details about delivery from your instructor. Take a look at location and time settings on your computer and email accounts. Since courses are delivered at a specific time, it is important that your device reflects the accurate time zone.

  15. 为什么有些课程采用了在线形式,而有些则没有呢?
  16. We are committed to providing the best quality instruction that complies with industry standards. Some courses, such as those requiring proctored final exams, are not compatible with our online learning methods at this time.

  17. How do I get the book(s) for my class?
  18. Reach out to theCLC Bookstoreto inquire about the current process.

  19. 如果我有其他问题,可以找谁?
  20. Please emailprofessionalworkshops@clcillinois.eduor call (847) 543-2990 for assistance.