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Meet the Professors

Kelly Cartwright
Instructor, Biology

Teaching full time at CLC since:2001; also served as a teaching assistant at Purdue University and teaching and research assistant and instructor at Kansas State University; co-chair of CLC’s Environmental Action Committee.

Education:B.S., Purdue University; M.S. Kansas State University.

Jason Cashmore
Instructor, Biology

Specialties:Aquatic ecology, endangered species and invasive species.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2008; previously taught at CLC for three years as an adjunct; served as academic advisor for the department of biological sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Subjects taught at CLC:Environmental biology, principles of biology, general biology and introductory evolution.

Education:A.S., College of Lake County; B.S. and M.S. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

What inspires me about my field:I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know that I wanted to be a biologist. Nothing has ever interested me more than plants and animals, their lives and their interactions. When I was a student here at CLC, it was such a great experience because the teachers really care about the students. I decided I wanted to teach biology at a community college, preferably CLC. I still can’t believe that I am here. It truly is a dream come true for me.

Mark Coykendall
Instructor, Biology

Teaching full time at CLC since:2002;还曾担任北伊利诺伊大学的学术顾问和杜佩奇学院的生物讲师;北伊利诺伊大学客座讲师;岩石谷学院生命科学讲师;沃邦西社区学院的实验室讲师。

Education:B.S. and M.S., Illinois State University.

Kristi Dameron
Instructor, Biology

Teaching full time at CLC since:2004; previously taught at CLC part time and as an assistant and visiting assistant professor at Loyola University in Chicago; worked as a scientist at a company that promotes science education for children using fun, interactive experiences.

Education:B.S., University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; Ph.D., Northwestern University.

Lakshmi Gollapudi
Instructor, Biology

Specialties:Molecular neuroscience research.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2002.


Marsha Hay
Instructor, Biology


Teaching full time at CLC since:2013; previously was a term-limited and part-time instructor at CLC in 2010-13; also taught as an adjunct at Morton College and Triton College; conducted molecular research of horseshoe crabs at Northeastern Illinois University; curriculum development and teaching as a naturalist at Heller Nature Center.

Subjects taught at CLC:Principles of biology,anatomy and physiology.

Education: A.S., Kishwaukee College; B.S., Northern Illinois University; M.S., Northeastern Illinois University.

What inspires me about my field:I’m enthralled with how the human body (and all living things) have adapted to find a way to do all of the functions necessary to live.

Shane Jones
Instructor, Biology

Specialties:Invertebrate biology, field biology and human anatomy.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2004; previously worked as a graduate research assistant and graduate teaching assistant atthe University of Oklahoma.

Courses taught at CLC:Anatomy and physiology and environmental biology.

Education:B.S., University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; M.S., University of Oklahoma.

Elisabeth Martin
Instructor, Biology

Specialties:Developmental genetics; human anatomy and physiology.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2002;她曾在黑鹰社区学院任教;获得了国家员工和组织发展研究所颁发的优秀教学奖。

Subjects taught at CLC:Anatomy and physiology, genetics.

Education:B.S., Virginia Tech; Ph.D., University of Virginia.

Main goal in teaching:我的学生正在学习解剖学和生理学课程,作为进入相关健康项目的先决课程。我告诉我的学生,我是成功的,不是当他们上完我的课,而是当我听说他们从一个联合健康项目毕业时。我的目标是向我的学生灌输知识、批判性思维技能和自信。他们需要这三个因素来为他们的病人提供强有力的支持。

Liz O'Grady
Instructor, Biology

Specialties:Molecular genetics and microbiology.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2007; previously taught at the大学密尔沃基分校。

Subjects taught at CLC:生物学原理、普通生物学、解剖学和生理学、进化和遗传学。她还为学术期刊和一本教科书撰写了与微生物相关的文章。

Education:B.S., St. Norbert College; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

What inspires me about my field:我在威斯康星州君越附近的一个农场长大。我从小就对生物很感兴趣。我的家人把对自然和环境的尊重传递给了我,我开始着迷于自然界的相互联系。

Bob Remedi
Instructor, Biology

Specialties:Environmental biology, anatomy and physiology and higher-education teaching.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2002;曾在黑鹰社区学院全职任教,并在朱莉叶初级学院、冰碛谷社区学院、杜佩吉学院和北中央学院兼职。2011年,Remedi教授成为首位获得杰出全职教师奖的CLC教师,该奖项每年由伊利诺伊社区学院理事协会颁发。2010年,他获得了美国国家生物教师协会颁发的两年制大学生物教学奖。

Subjects taught at CLC:Anatomy and physiology, environmental biology and a field biology course in the natural history of southwestern Virginia.

Education:A.S., Moraine Valley Community College;B.S. and M.S., Western Illinois University; currently a doctoral student at Northern Illinois University in adult and higher education.

What I do to engage students:My philosophy of teaching is deeply rooted in the idea of being student centered, which means that I consider the needs of students every time I plan activities and goals for class. As a result, I utilize multiple teaching strategies and interesting activities to present course information. For instance, I might begin with a traditional lecture, but then follow it up with a small group critical thinking activity or a short assessment. No matter how material is delivered, I try to present it with passion and energy. In addition, I set and communicate high expectations and teach students how to successfully reach these goals, both directly and by modeling proper behaviors.

Cynthia Trombino
Instructor, Biology

Teaching full time at CLC since:2003; previously taught at Morehead State University, Hope College, Kishwaukee Community College; also taught and worked as a research assistant at Northern Illinois University.

Education:B.A., Iowa State University; Ph.D., Northern Illinois University.