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Meet the Professors

Ahmad Audi
Instructor, Chemistry

Teaching full time at CLC since:2007; also taught at Kansas State University and served as an adjunct professor at Northwestern State University in Louisiana and at several two-year and four-year colleges in Illinois.

Specialties:Nano biosensors, X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy, online science higher education and more.

Education:B.S., Lebanese American University; Ph.D., Kansas State University; post-doctorate education at Kansas State University.

Most memorable teaching experience:My most memorable teaching experience is when students turn their fears of learning science into confidence. I help my students recognize the aspects of science that relate to their careers and life, so they will get excited and curious to learn more. The biggest reward is when non-science majors switch to science after taking my class, or when previous students contact me—sometimes years later--with positive feedback.

Cheryl Kordik
Instructor, Chemistry

Teaching full time at CLC since:2020; previously taught at Harper College, McHenry County College and Elgin Community College

Education:B.S. Chemistry, Northeastern Illinois University; M.S. Organic Chemistry, University of Chicago; M.S. Education, St. Joseph's University; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago.

What motivates me and inspires me in my field:我职业生涯的第一部分是在强生制药研究部门担任药物发现的药物化学家。虽然那是一次美妙的经历,但我的热情已经转变为通过在社区大学教授化学来帮助学生实现他们的梦想和目标。我真的很喜欢了解我的学生,看着他们在我的化学课上茁壮成长,建立自信。我和许多以前的学生保持着联系,看到他们在学术和职业生涯中取得成功和繁荣,我总是很高兴。

Elbek Kurbanov
Instructor, Chemistry

Teaching full time at CLC since:2018; previously taught at Southwestern College, Grossmont College and San Diego Mesa College in Southern California

Education:B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stout; Ph.D., University of Minnesota.

What motivates me and inspires me in my field:To improve student learning and bolster student confidence in chemistry, I foster an interactive classroom supportive of asking questions. Accordingly, I strive to be as approachable as possible as the instructor. It gives me great enjoyment and inspiration to witness students becoming interested and confident in chemistry.

Adina Ott
Instructor, Chemistry and Pharmacy Technician

Teaching full time at CLC since:2017; previously taught at Northwestern University and Portland Community College

Education:B.S., Butler University; Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder.

What motivates me and inspires me in my field:我喜欢教化学实验课。我喜欢帮助学生成为熟练的实验家,并指导他们将他们的结果与课堂上所教的化学主题联系起来。我希望我的学生在高级课程上取得成功,实现他们的学位目标。

Tara Simmons
Instructor, Chemistry

Teaching full time at CLC since:2003; previously taught at West Virginia University and Michigan State University.

Education:A.S., College of Lake County; B.A., Barat College; Ph.D., Michigan State University.

Jeanne Simondsen
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry

Teaching full time at CLC since:2007; previously taught part time at CLC for eight years.

Education:B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ph.D., University of Arizona.

What inspires me about my field:在高中的化学课上制作肥皂,在大学的有机化学入门课上制作尼龙时,我就对化学这个研究领域产生了兴趣。为了在学生中创造“顿悟”的时刻,我总是试图将课堂主题与常见的生活经历联系起来,并使用实验室和演示来强化课堂。One learns more by doing than by hearing.

Beth Wilson
Instructor, Chemistry

Teaching full time at CLC since:2010; previously taught chemistry at the University of California-San Diego, Georgia State University and Mesa Community College-San Diego.

Education:B.S., University of Illinois-Chicago; M.S. and Ph.D., Georgia State University.

Why I teach:我有一个学生在实验室的实验过程中很挣扎。我提供了额外的帮助和不同的解释,这使得学生对化学有了信心,并在这门课上取得了优异的成绩。这段经历最让人难忘的是,她的皱眉和沮丧变成了灿烂的微笑。我的总体目标是使化学变得有趣,令人愉快,并适用于日常生活。