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Meet the Professors

Michelle Leonard
Instructor, Electronics Technology

Specialties:Semiconductor technology and wireless data communications.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2000; she also taught at the University of Wisconsin. Professor Leonard also has mentored honors students and has been a guest speaker at career events and national conferences; member of several professional organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Subjects taught at CLC:AC and DC circuits, electronics, PC hardware and peripherals, network fundamentals, electronic drafting, fiber optics, nanotechnology, Linux and wireless networking.

Education:B.S.E.E., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; M.Eng., University of Illinois-Chicago.

Main goal in teaching:我以自己培养出的工程师的素质来评估自己。这主要来自我从这个项目的毕业生、他们的转学机构和雇主那里得到的反馈。经常有学生联系我,他们想让我知道,他们的工作要求他们在项目期间必须学习的所有东西,他们感谢我没有退缩。I have been getting excellent feedback from four-year institutions and Lake County employers about the quality of the graduates from CLC’s program.

Yoonill Lee
Instructor, Electrical Engineering Technology

Specialties:Wireless communication technologies including DS-CDMA, multi-carrier systems, MIMO, and physical layer security.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2020; He also taught at Purdue University Northwest, ITT Technical Institute, and University of Akron.

Subjects taught at CLC:电子实验室技术,直流电路基础,交流基础,电路分析和网络定理。

Professional experience:He worked at Cisco Systems as a communications engineer. Professor Lee published numerous IEEE and ASEE conference papers and holds a U.S. patent. He is a member of professional organizations such as IEEE and ASEE.

Education:B.S. Yonsei University; M.S. Yonsei University; M.S. Oklahoma State University; Ph.D. University of South Florida.

Main goal in teaching:我把学生的学习和成绩作为我教学的基础。我总是鼓励学生参与课堂,相信这能最大限度地促进学习和记忆。我的目标是让学生学习电气工程技术的基本概念和技能,以便在学术界或工业界取得成功。一场卓有成效的讲座不仅让我个人感到满意,而且学生们也经常告诉我,他们学到了很多东西。