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Meet the Professors

Josie Faulk
Instructor, History

Specialties:The Middle Ages, history of the church, ancient and medieval warfare and history of the Middle East.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2011; previously taught at the University of Illinois-Chicago, Elmhurst College and Morton College.

Subjects taught at CLC:History of Western Civilization, contemporary non-western history.

Education:B.A., University of Manchester (U.K); M.A. and Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago.

What inspires me about my field:历史向我们解释世界。CLC为教师和学生提供了许多到世界各地旅游的机会。我在约旦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、土耳其、西班牙、意大利、希腊、法国、瑞士、荷兰、威尔士和苏格兰的旅行丰富了我的经验,帮助我成为一名更好的教师。

Gregory Gordon
Instructor, History

Specialties:Early 20th-century American history, African-American history, American immigration and African history.

Teaching full time at CLC since:1991; previously taught as a CLC adjunct; also taught at Illinois State University, Canterbury Christ Church University (U.K.) and Xi’an International University in China.Professor Gordon received a 1994 certificate of commendation from the American Association of State and Local History for the Lake County African American Oral History Project; contributing editor of a college textbook in U.S. history; received a Distinguished Service Award from the Illinois Committee on Black Concerns in Higher Education.

Subjects taught at CLC:U.S. history, African-American history, American popular culture and western civilization.

Education:B.S. and M.S., Illinois State University; M.A., Northwestern University; Ed.D., Northern Illinois University

Most memorable teaching experience:教授英国学生和中国学生各自国家的美国历史。英国学生有着截然不同的历史解读,从美国独立战争(在他们看来是大叛乱)到英美特殊关系。从义和团运动到冷战,中国学生的观点截然不同。例外论是主观的,也是真正普遍的。

David Groeninger
Professor Emeritus, History

Specialties:Chicago history, American labor history and American popular culture.

Teaching full time at CLC since:1993; taught American history at Xi’an International University in the fall of 2013; received the Outstanding Faculty Member of Year award, as chosen by CLC students, in 2006 and 2012.

Subjects taught at CLC:U.S. history, Chicago history, American labor history and history of American popular culture.

Education:B.A., Northern Illinois University; M.A., Concordia University-Montreal; Ph.D., Loyola University-Chicago.

What I do to engage students:I make sense of the past through the interpretation of primary source documents and artifacts. These range from government documents and state papers to diaries, photos and oral histories. Interpreting such primary source material requires close reading, critical thinking, logic, creativity and sensitivity to the historical context. I use small group and class-wide discussions of the primary sources to help students create coherent accounts of key events and changes in our past. In the process, students learn that history is not a set of static facts, but a dynamic and active process of interpretation.

Phyllis Soybel
Instructor, History

Specialties:Military history, especially World War II.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2001; previously taught part time at the University of Illinois- Chicago, Columbia College and Elmhurst College.

Education:B.A. and M.A., Marquette University; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago.