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Meet the Professors

Frank Ardito
Instructor, Physical Education


Teaching full time at CLC since:2009; previous academic appointments at McHenry County College and University of Illinois at Chicago.

Subjects taught at CLC:Contemporary health issues, biomechanics and kinesiology, theory and practice of fitness, principles of wellness and life coaching, philosophy of coaching.

Other professional experience:获得国家员工和组织发展研究所颁发的优秀教师奖;获得了国家健康研究所颁发的“领导圈”奖;出版了两本书:《健康促进学术成功》和《健康促进照顾者成功》。在威斯康辛州绿湾的绿湾包装工健康中心,健康和健康促进博物馆以阿迪托博士的名字命名。

Education:B.S. and M.S., University of Illinois at Chicago; Ed.D., Loyola University Chicago.

What I do to engage students:I use analogies as appropriate and do whatever it takes to help students understand the relevance and application of course material to their specific life goals and circumstances.

Joana Pabedinskas
Instructor, Health and Wellness Promotion

Specialties:Exercise science; health and wellness promotion serving as department chair for the massage therapy program.

Teaching fulltime at CLC since:2013; previously taught for more than 13 years in Arizona at Chandler-Gilbert Community College and briefly at A.T. Still University. She also was an adjunct and later a full-time lecturer at Arizona State University. She has substantive experience with online, hybrid and traditional course delivery.

Other professional experience:In industry, she served as a fitness and wellness coordinator, senior health educator, strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer and student athletic trainer. Professor Pabedinskas is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach®through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. She was a varsity scholarship women’s basketball player at Arizona State University.

Subjects taught at CLC:Exercise testing and prescription, sport and exercise nutrition, theory and practice of fitness, personal wellness, total fitness and health and wellness practicum.

Education:A.A., Allan Hancock Community College; B.S., M.S. and Ph.D., Arizona State University.

Main goal in teaching:I strive for learner-centered instruction with a goal of helping each student achieve a level of excellence in knowledge, skills and abilities that allows students to serve effectively in their chosen profession. In order to accomplish this goal, I incorporate an assortment of teaching methods, including: multimedia technology, problem-based learning and hands-on/experiential activities.