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Photo of Ryan Haass

Degree or certificate program at CLC:
A. A., philosophy; graduated in spring 2017.

Transfer school and degree:森林湖学院;主修哲学;他计划同时攻读哲学博士和法学博士学位。

Hometown:Vernon Hills, Ill.

High School:史蒂文森,2015年。

High school activities: Football.

Interests and hobbies:写诗,读书,参加音乐会和音乐节。

Ryan Haass

I struggled academically in high school, but because of the support and opportunities at CLC, I’m now in the Honors Scholars program.当我在2015年秋天开始在CLC学习的时候,我担心我的GPA不够高,无法把课程转到四年制的学校。所以我决定全力以赴,努力学习,我的努力得到了4.0的平均分。第二年冬天,我被荣誉项目录取,其中包括强调讨论和批判性思维的课程。

The professors are great in the way they connect with students.An English professor thought highly of my writing skills and encouraged me to work as a tutor in the Writing Center. The experience has allowed me to meet other students, and in the process, I have improved my own writing skills. The free tutoring centers are really something that CLC can be proud of.

Outside of class, the professors really appreciate the chance to help you during their office hours. In the one-on-one time, the professor can get to know you better, and you can improve as student and as a person. This kind of connection between student and professor allows for a truly comprehensive learning experience.

Through the Honors Program, I applied for, and received, a full-tuition scholarship to Lake Forest College, and hearing the news put me on cloud nine.完成大学学业而不负债的前景是惊人的,而CLC的经济学费也与此有很大的关系。我高中毕业班的一个学生现在就读于东海岸的一所大型四年制州立大学,仅仅一年后,他就负债6万美元。

在课堂之外,我真的提高了我的公开演讲技巧。I had never done anything speech-related in high school, but at CLC, I decided to join the forensics team. It’s been a great experience, learning to present both prepared and off-the-cuff speeches. It was a real honor to win a gold medal in public debate, a gold medal in impromptu speaking and a silver medal in extemporaneous speaking at a 2017 regional speech and debate tournament at Harper College in Palatine.

I’ve developed leadership skills in my role as president of the CLC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa,an international honor society for community college students. I’ve learned how to lead meetings and work with others in activities such as service learning. PTK is a great way to make new friends, and the organization offers scholarships for members.

Being sports editor of theChroniclestudent newspaper also has been a great learning experience.我在写作、编辑、监督、团队合作和按时完成任务方面都磨练了自己的技能。

My career goal is to either earn a doctorate in philosophy or a juris doctorate, and either teach law or philosophy. I can use my presentation skills and make a difference in others’ lives.