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Photo of Katie Hauck

Hometown:Wauconda, Ill.

High School:沃康达高中,2016年。

CLC degree:A.A., 2018.

Transfer school:2018年秋季就读于范德比尔特大学;心理学和英语双学位。

Hobbies and interests:Singing, traveling and reading classic literature as well as comedies.

Katie Hauck

参加CLC绝对是我做过的最好的选择之一。It has helped set up my future to be really bright, because I’m now a more prepared and well-rounded student than when I started. CLC also is affordable and has allowed me to live at home, because I just wasn’t yet ready to move away. But the college also has great professors. Many have taught at very prestigious four-year colleges and universities, and I get to tap their knowledge while paying community college tuition.

The Honors program, as well as the Scholars program, has been very enriching.I also liked the dedication shown by the students and instructors in Honors classes, such as speech, English composition and history. And I really enjoyed the seminar-type atmosphere in the classes, which were smaller than traditional classes, with less structure, fewer PowerPoint presentations and more discussions. The structure has allowed me to get to know classmates and instructors, such as English professors Jenny Lee, James Crizer and Nick Schevera. Additionally, the atmosphere helped me clarify what I wanted in four-year school.

Through the Scholars program, which combines rigorous courses and a part-time job on campus, I was able to help finance my education through a scholarship. This has allowed me to spend less time on outside jobs and more time studying.

One memorable course is social psychology taught by Ken Kikuchi.为了强化概念,他让学生们做动手练习,比如故意把一本书扔在一个繁忙的走廊上,以评估有多少人停下来帮忙。课堂上还讨论了一些实用的话题,比如先天与后天之争,比如人类行为在多大程度上是由遗传决定的,又有多少是后天习得的。

Overall, CLC instructors have been amazingly helpful and always open to meeting with me outside of class.

Besides academic growth, I’ve developed my physical and emotional health at the college. After taking a yoga class, I fell in love with it and have been doing yoga ever since. It helps me release tension and feel better.

The new Science Building, along with Café Willow and renovated wings at CLC, is gorgeous.很高兴看到节能技术,比如运动探测器,在没有人在场的时候关掉房间的灯。在Grayslake校园里,我最喜欢的地方是图书馆旁边的一楼休息室,可以俯瞰美丽的日式花园。

After earning a master’s degree in psychology, I plan to attend law school and then become an attorney in either corporate or international law.CLC has definitely helped shape me to be more self-confident and independent, and those qualities will serve me well in my career and personal life.