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Photo of Cody Lemke

Degree or certificate program at CLC:A.S. chemistry, 2015.

Transfer school, degree and year:Iowa State University, where he earned B.S. in biochemistry in 2017 and is pursuing a master’s degree in the field. He also minored in microbiology.

Hometown:Ingleside, Ill.

High school:Grant Community High School, 2013.

High school clubs and activities:足球、棒球和竞技啦啦队。

CLC clubs and activities:Honors Scholars, Student Government Association, Phi Theta Kappa honor society.

Interests and hobbies:Snowboarding, biking, running, hiking and backpacking.

Cody Lemke

I would like a career that really makes a difference and positively affects the world.Since I’ve always been interested in health and medicine, the idea of working in pharmaceutical research really appeals to me.

At CLC, I fell in love with chemistry. It explains the natural world and how things fit together.从普通化学到有机化学等高级课程,教授们都很有帮助。每个实验室的准备工作都有一个简短的演示,说明我们当天会学到什么。她还将这些概念应用到日常生活中,例如,非极性化学键在洗衣粉有效性中的作用。在课下,教授帮助我理解为什么我做错了一个特定的测试问题,我们把它作为一个学习的机会。她还回答了我关于职业兴趣的问题,并帮助我决定选修哪些课程。

My all-time favorite class was a special-topics English class that studied myths and fairy tales.We read a variety of literature, from Grimm’s fairy tales to Norse mythology to the Epic of Gilgamesh from ancient Mesopotamia. It was fascinating to read how the fairy tales were designed to teach lessons, and the course was a neat way of looking at cultures. The professor asked really deep questions that made us students think about what we were reading. He always encouraged class discussions, and we would apply the lessons of fairy tales to concepts to psychology and sociology.

Besides the excellent classes, I grew—and made new friends—by being active in the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) honor society and as a student senator.我在CLC PTK分部的工作是组织活动,并向成员介绍如何利用奖学金。在加入PTK之前,我没有太多的公开演讲经验。但我很快发现,如果你很好地了解你的材料,并提前练习你的演讲,你就不太可能感到焦虑。

As a student senator, I learned how to debate and discuss with others of opposing opinions—without getting angry or letting things get out of hand. I also gained experience balancing budgets, reviewing proposed legislation and planning events.

CLC did great job in preparing me for Iowa State University, where I’ve been successful biochemistry major and active in the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(ASBMB). In April 2017, I attended the ASBMB’s annual meeting in Chicago, and it was an honor to receive an honorable mention for my undergraduate poster presentation titled “DNA, RNA, Chromosomes and Gene Regulation.”

After earning a master’s degree, I’d like to work for a pharmaceutical manufacturer, researching and developing new medicines.

Students need to realize what a great bargain CLC is. The college’s freshman and sophomore-level classes are the same as at a four-year school. By starting out at CLC, you can complete half of a bachelor’s degree at much lower price than if you start at a four-year institution. I was able to receive transfer scholarships, and I’m relieved that my student debt is far less than others who started at a four-year school and are now more than $60,000 in debt.