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Degree or certificate program:sustainable agriculture; planning on earning an A.A.S. in 2017, then transfer to a four-year school to earn a bachelor's degree in plant science.

Hometown:Born in Chicago; grew up in Roselle, Ill.

Now living in:Antioch, Ill.

Interests and hobbies:Gardening, sustainable farming, beekeeping and carpentry.

Bernard Kondenar

I’m a self-employed contractor who’s excited to make a career change. During the recession of 2008 when the construction industry declined, I became interested in renewable energy and environmental sustainability. After taking a CLC non-credit class in solar power and other renewable energy sources, I enrolled in the sustainable agriculture degree program.

When you look at the hidden costs of food, you begin to realize the importance of knowing where your food comes from.Buying food grown locally keeps dollars in the local economy, and it reduces the greenhouse gases and energy consumption associated with food trucked in from thousands of miles away. I have three children, and providing them with fresh, locally grown food means better health for them and for future generations.

当我走进我的第一节课《园艺导论》(Introduction to Horticulture)时,我注意到学生们的年龄和经历各不相同,我并不觉得中年时重新塑造自己很糟糕。Since then, I’ve enjoyed the hands-on learning in all the courses, from soils to greenhouse production. In my practicum project, it was very rewarding to work with others in building CLC’s new apiary (bee colony). Bees are important pollinators for many fruits, vegetables and nuts. The horticulture instructorsare always willing to help you outside of class, such as writing reference letters for scholarship applications.

It was a real honor to receive two prestigious industry scholarships:伊利诺斯州园林承包商协会颁发的Denny R. Church纪念奖学金和2016年Proven Winners®2年/技术学校奖学金。资助让我更容易参与课外活动和社区服务。

Outside of class, I’ve really enjoyed serving as a student senator and as the student representative to the CLC Board of Trustees.It’s great to listen to students’ concerns, and I’ve made new friends. CLC is one of most diverse places I’ve encountered. In the morning news, you hear of so much conflict, then you walk into this building and there’s none of it. I see people getting along anywhere. I’ve relished the chance to work with the Men of Vision club, Latino Alliance and others.

After earning a bachelor’s degree, I eventually would like to operate my own permaculture learning farm, which is designed to mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature and illustrate environmentally friendly practices such as composting.