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Photo of Caleb Town

Hometown:Winthrop Harbor, Ill.

High School:Christian Life School, Kenosha, Wis., 2011.

CLC degree:A.S.

Transfer schools:B.A., biology,Carthage College, 2015; D.D.S., Marquette University Dental School, 2019.

Hobbies and interests:Playing soccer, chess and the violin.

Caleb Town

CLC不仅在经济上很有意义,我知道它会给我提供独特的教育和职业机会,这是我在其他地方很难找到的。As an example, I learned a lot about the dental profession while working in the Dental Hygiene Clinic at the Lakeshore (Waukegan) Campus. The professors there are a joy to work with and are very knowledgeable about the dental profession. I learned a lot about patient care there, and I enjoyed keeping mouths healthy.

I decided to enroll at CLC after hearing about the Honors program from a friend of mine. CLC turned out to be a really great option.I was very well-prepared by the science courses I had at CLC to succeed in my major at Carthage. I did not feel as if I was playing catch-up.


伦理课有助于进行深入的对话和自我反思。It inspired me to buy a couple of ethics books to continue exploring how great thinkers approached the complex subject of ethics in years past. The professor facilitated great conversation and learning by challenging our ideas, helping us think through the implications of our answers. He also encouraged us to try out new ideas, but never let us get away with lazy thinking.

Outside of class, I made friends within the Honors program as well as serving as president of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society.I spent a lot of time working with other Honors students. It was a great group of students who were all taking different paths. I also enjoyed interacting with other students in the Student Government Association.

I am currently a dental student at Marquette University’s dental school我很快就会成为美国海军的一名牙医,因为我准备在马里兰州贝塞斯达的沃尔特·里德海军医院(Walter Reed Naval Hospital)实习。最终,我想拥有自己的牙科诊所。