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Solar PV Panels

What is Solar PV?


CLC的太阳能电场和校园建筑屋顶拥有超过5000块太阳能光伏板,额定功率为1.9 MW。功率额定值告诉你在标准测试条件下,一个太阳能装置将产生多少瓦数。

The electricity in the solar panels is called direct current (DC), while buildings use alternating current (or AC) electricity. DC electricity can easily be changed into AC by a gadget called an inverter. That’s how electricity from the sun powers our buildings.


Using solar energy not only reduces pollution, but also lowers the amount of greenhouse gases from coal power plants. Solar energy can save consumers lots of money on energy bills.

Solar Field Benefits

At the College


In the Community

Solar PV is growing our economy with jobs in the trades, construction, engineering, supply chain management, project management and sales. Lake County residents, schools and businesses are taking advantage of dropping costs of switching to solar PV.

Around the World

For several years, the fastest growing source of energy in the world are renewable, including solar and wind. Across the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Latin America, commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are propelling us forward into an era of clean and affordable energy.