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Meet the Professors

Elizabeth Aiossa
Instructor, English


Teaching full time at CLC since:2005; previously taught for a year as a CLC intern/adjunct.

Subjects taught at CLC:English composition, scriptwriting, creative nonfiction and fiction.

Other professional experience:Publications include scholarly and creative works in both print and online journals and several conference presentations on digital composition, screenwriting, and science fiction films and literature.

Education:B.A. and M.F.A., Roosevelt University; Ph.D. candidate, Union Institute and University.

What I do to engage students:我的目标是建立一个以共同爱好(写作、研究、科幻小说和编剧……还有僵尸!)为中心的包容社区,在这个社区中,学生们可以培养个人的声音、批判性思维技能和创造性过程,作为个人赋权的手段。

Kelly Black
Instructor, Reading


Teaching full time at CLC since:2006; previously served as a reading teacher and coach for more than seven years in the Chicago Public Schools.

Subjects taught at CLC:Strategic reading and writing.

Education:B.A., Michigan State University; M.Ed., DePaul University.

Nathan Breen
Instructor, English

Specialties:Medieval literature.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2011; previously taught at DePaul University.

Education:B.A., Boston College; M.A., Miami University in Ohio; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Amanda Cash
Instructor, English


Teaching full time at CLC since:2007; previously taught at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and online composition classes at Gateway Technical College and the Center for Talented Youth at the Johns Hopkins University.

Subjects taught at CLC:大一作文,修辞学和大学写作。

Other professional experience:Delivered presentations at several national conferences on topics ranging from online writing instruction and learning to the history adult education.

Education:B.A., Lake Forest College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,

What I do to engage students:Whether teaching online or onsite, I encourage active discussions in which students interact with each other as well as the course material. In terms of writing, I try to meet my students where they are and to enthusiastically acknowledge their strengths while working to develop areas in which they are less confident and adept. I challenge students to look at problems from a variety of angles, while reassuring them that rough drafts are generally ripe with opportunity for development. With thoughtful attention to revision, seemingly scattered ideas can be transformed into sophisticated and cohesive arguments.

Nolan Chessman
Instructor, English


Teaching full time at CLC since:2015; previously taught at New York University and the City University of New York.

Subjects taught at CLC:First-year composition, poetry, and creative writing.

Education:B.A., Columbia College Chicago; M.F.A., Washington University in St. Louis; Ph.D., the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

What I do to engage students:我的教学技巧来源于我的研究兴趣和教学经验。例如,我在写作中心当导师的经历告诉我,一对一、个性化的指导是学生成功的关键——所以我把这种指导风格融入到我的课堂(和课后)指导中。我曾经给说日语的人当过英语老师,这让我明白语法结构是无法通过死记硬背来获得的,所以我在中国基督教领袖学院教我的学生认真听口语的节奏——它的停顿、起伏和高潮——并相应地进行编排和标点符号。我还相信隐喻和类比的教学力量,并不断寻找与我试图教授的技能相对应的例子。We watchSeinfeldepisodes to comprehend narrative structure; we write poems in order to distill research topics to their most meaningful essence; we study reality cooking shows for clues as to how we can most toothsomely marry ingredients (i.e., sources) in a dish (i.e., essay). In short, my instructional techniques are multimodal -- as are the modern lives that CLC students lead.

Cathy Colton
Instructor, English

Specialties:Composition and rhetoric, women’s literature, Harry Potter and popular culture studies.

Teaching experience:除了在CLC教书,她还在伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(University of Illinois at Chicago)读研究生时教写作、文学导论和妇女研究。她还发表过关于爱丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker)的《紫色》(The Color Purple)、受虐女性回忆录和《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)系列的文章;还为AMC电视台的电视剧《广告狂人》写博客。”

Subjects taught at CLC:Strategic Reading and Writing, English composition, women in literature and themed composition courses focused on “Harry Potter” and “The Hunger Games.”

Education:B.A., Northeastern Illinois University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago.

Instructor, English

Teaching full time at CLC since:2011;previously, she had a full-time, temporary position teaching English composition at CLC and serving as a writing tutor and teacher in the Writing Center. Professor Ettlinger also spent two years teaching high-school English and speech in Indiana, and later—as a DePaul graduate student—interned at Robert Morris College, where she taught writing and humanities courses. She also has presented sessions about integrated reading and writing in developmental curriculum at national and regional conferences.

Subjects taught at CLC:策略阅读和写作,英语作文。

Education:B.A., Valparaiso University; M.A., DePaul University.

What inspires me about my field:我最初被教学吸引,是因为一个老师可以对一个学生的方向产生重大影响。简单的支持手势就能让学生付出很大的努力。Not only am I teaching my students how to write, but I am teaching them that theycanwrite and that their voice is important.

Patrick Gonder
Instructor, English/Humanities

Specialties:Comic books and graphic novels as art forms and literary genres.

Other professional experience:2008年获CLC杰出专职教师称号。

Education:B.A. and M.A., University of Missouri-Columbia; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

What I do to engage students:When assigning papers, I encourage my students to choose their subjects carefully. If students can write about a subject about which they are passionate, they will write better papers.

Kathy Kusiak
Instructor, English

Teaching full time at CLC since:2009; previously spent four years at CLC as an adjunct and writing tutor.


What inspires me about my field:我对写作的兴趣要追溯到一年级,当时我的老师在我的成绩单上写道:“凯西是一个非常有创造力的作家。”成年后,当我获得学士学位毕业时,我知道我想成为一名大学教师,我不想停止学习。进入企业做营销传播作家后,我仍然有一个教写作的梦想。我无法想象有什么比通过教育来帮助别人投资自己更好的事情了。实现这一梦想所花费的10多年时间,让在CLC教书变得更加光荣。

Michael Latza
Instructor, English

Specialties:Poetry, early American literature, creative writing.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2002年起全职任教,此前在学院兼职任教两年半。Professor Latza also has served as editor of the “Willow Review,” CLC’s international creative writing journal. Each May, he co-facilitates a multi-course trip to the Appalachian Trail with Professors Bob Remedi and Shane Jones. Professor Latza spent the fall 2008 semester teaching in China with a CLC field study course. He has published several poems in literary journals. His published non-fiction essays include “Another Late Night,” a creative nonfiction piece published on Garrison Keillor’s “Prairie Home Companion” website.

Subjects taught at CLC:English composition, creative writing, introductory poetry and early American literature.

Education:B.A. and M.A. Loyola University, Chicago.

What I do to engage students:回顾过去,有一些老师帮助我看到并欣赏存在于我周围世界的快乐、奇迹和神秘——无论是在自然、科学和人身上,还是在故事、散文和诗歌中。我试着为我的学生做同样的事情。If I can shepherd my students past the obvious and through the curtain of indifference and distraction, then their excitement will enable them to recognize and explore the joy, wonder and mystery that exists intheirworld.

Specialties:English literature from the Middle Ages to the 21stcentury; rhetoric and composition; Shakespeare; classical literature and history; Asian American studies.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2012; previously taught at Northwestern University and Triton College, as well as high-school students in Chicago and Seoul, South Korea. Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Students. Recipient of 2015 and 2016 CLC Outstanding Faculty of the Year, Northwestern Outstanding Teaching Award, and Northwestern Jean H. Hagstrum Prize for Best Dissertation of the Year.

Subjects taught at CLC:英语作文,英国文学I和II,莎士比亚导论,人文I,亚裔美国人研究,荣誉学者。

Education:B.A., University of California-Berkeley; M.A., University of Cape Town; Ph.D. Northwestern University.

Main goal in teaching:My goal is to guide students through structured investigations of literature and the arts in order to arrive at insightful new connections among the works they read, the papers they write and their everyday lives. I hope that my students translate their classroom experiences into a lifelong, passionate, intellectual journey long after the course has ended.

Vasilka Maslanka
Instructor, English

Specialties:Writing and rhetoric.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2007, and as an adjunct since 2005. Previously, she taught high-school English in the Chicago area and in California.

Subjects taught at CLC:English composition in face-to-face, online and hybrid courses.

Education:M.A. Writing, DePaul University.

Main goal in teaching:I teach because I want to help students imagine a better life for themselves. When they can imagine a better life for themselves, they will be able to imagine a better world for all of us. And that is pretty cool.

Michele Nelson
Instructor, English

Teaching full time at CLC since:2012; previously, she spent 10 years as a CLC adjunct. Professor Nelson also spent a year at the college as a writing tutor. She began teaching in 2000 as an intern at Robert Morris University.

Education:B.A., Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN; M.A., DePaul University.

Nicholas Schevera
Instructor, English

Specialties:Children’s literature, mythology and fairytales, composition and American literature.

Teaching full time at CLC since:1998; also taught as an adjunct at Westchester Community College, Bronx Community College and College of Mount St. Vincent. Also taught as a graduate assistant at New York University.

Subjects taught at CLC:批判性思维、美国文学、英语写作、发展英语、人文、儿童文学、神话和童话。

Education:B.A., Colgate University; M.A., M.Ph. and Ph.D., New York University; M.B.A., Pace University.

Main goal in teaching:To connect with students and their experiences, and to make learning relevant and important to their lives.

Jennifer Staben
Instructor, English

Specialties:Literacy, writing centers and qualitative research.

Teaching full time at CLC since:2001.

Education:B.A., Carleton College; M.A., University of Iowa.

Kathryne Starzec
Instructor, English

Education:B.A., Columbia College in Chicago; M.F.A., Union Institute and University.