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Photo of Angelo Schulz

Degree or certificate program:A.A. in business administration; planning to graduate in 2017 and transfer to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree in business.

Hometown:Rheinberg, Germany.

Now living in:Vernon Hills, Ill.

Interests and hobbies:工作;探索当地的森林保护区;阅读商务文章;会说德语、法语和英语。

Angelo Schulz

能有机会去美国学习,我非常激动,因为美国是一个伟大的国家。It was an adventure to leave home and attend college in America, but it was worth the risk. The people are nice here, and there are many opportunities. Since I enrolled at CLC in 2015, I have achieved so much, succeeding in my CLC courses, working part time and making new friends.

At a college fair in Germany, I met a representative from CLC who explained how a community college is more affordable than a four-year college or university.这是一个很好的开始,特别是如果你还没有决定专业的话。CLC以低廉的学费提供高质量的教育,学院还提供许多奖学金。当我得知自己获得了苏珊·史密斯奖学金时,我感到很荣幸。

One CLC course that really helped me is English Composition I.老师理解学生们的挑战,和我们像朋友一样交谈。他给学生布置了写作任务,帮助我们改进思考过程和文章结构。

I’ve also enjoyed a macro economics class, in which we analyzed how economies function and to what extent economic data influences the decision-making process of economists.

Besides the professors, the free tutoring in the Math and Writing Center is also very helpful.当我写一篇关于股票市场的论文时,写作导师帮助我进一步探索我的想法。我还得到了一个会计学导师的帮助,还有化学、生物和物理的导师。

Outside of classes, I have grown through part-time work and by getting involved in campus clubs.Working as a student ambassador, I give tours for new and prospective students. It’s been amazing to see how the job has helped me improve my communication and presentation skills. Also, being a social media marketing intern at the Small Business and Development Center has given me valuable, practical experience.


在获得工商管理学士学位后,我想留在美国,在股市或金融领域工作,因为我对经济学很着迷。On the subject of career planning, I agree with Steve Jobs, the late founder of Apple, Inc., who said: “The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”