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Photo of Sasha Polich

Degree or certificate program at CLC:A.A.; planning to graduate in May 2017.

Major:Business administration.

Transfer school:University of Wisconsin-Platteville.

Hometown:Antioch, Ill.

High school:2015年毕业于安提阿社区高中。

High school clubs and activities:排球;国家荣誉的社会。

Interests and hobbies:Volleyball, watching movies, hanging out with friends.

Sasha Polich

I feel welcome at CLC, and it’s awesome to look around campus and see students from different backgrounds finding things in common and building friendships.There’s a nice variety of ages, too—from recent high school graduates to people over 50. It’s inspiring to see adult students have the courage to make a big career change, and the first step is coming to CLC.

One of CLC’s best benefits is the smaller class sizes.我不只是人群中的一张脸,教授们都知道我的名字。此外,大学是一个经济的地方来完成你的通识教育课程。在你的前两年,你可以学习与四年制大学相同的课程,但学费要低得多。

I really like the new additions to the Grayslake Campus.The Café Willow is modern, and I like its location in the middle of the campus, with a pretty view of Willow Lake.The Physical Education Center, where I play competitive volleyball, has a new gym floor and the front lobby has a welcoming look.

我最喜欢的课程之一是神话与童话,这是一门英语课程。I like how we can take Greek mythology, Grimm’s Fairy Tales and other stories that people told hundreds or thousands of years ago, and see how the lessons ring true today. In a financial accounting course, the instructor was very approachable and used real-life examples, such as BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and how it affected the company’s inventories and accounting practices.The business professors bring real-world experience to the classroom.

在中华人民共和国排球队打球让我结交了很多新朋友。In sports, you learn to work in cooperation with others.Our team traveled by van to away games, and we did lots of bonding. As it turned out, some of my closest friends have been former rivals from other leagues I’ve played in.

Originally, I thought of becoming a graphic designer, but an introductory business course really piqued my interest in the business world. My career goal is to work a project manager or middle manager.